Noncompete Agreements That Are Fair And Enforceable
Not every business needs employees to sign noncompete agreements, but these agreements become especially relevant when there is strong competition within your specialized market and departing employees are likely to leave their employment and go to work for your direct competitor. An agreement must be in place before the employee leaves, and it must be both enforceable and enforced.
Noncompete clauses and agreements are drafted at Stark Reagan with care and awareness of applicable standards and current case law. Michigan courts respect an employer’s concern with preventing a departing employee from working in direct competition but are not sympathetic to agreements that appear unfair or deprive workers of an ability to make a living.
Our attorneys are well-versed in the particular challenges presented by noncompete agreements. We can craft an agreement that is effective and reasonable to all parties, as well as enforceable.
Contact Stark Reagan at 248-641-9955 or by email.